Submission of digital files for judging

Initial judging for the Kiingi Tuheitia Portraiture Award will be based on the digital submission accompanying your entry form. Below is a guide on what you need to submit depending on the medium of your work.

Painting, sculpture and other static/still work

We require you to upload of one image of the work (in .jpg format). Please ensure that it is of sufficient quality for judging. Maximum 10MB.

Video work

We require you to submit:

  • An upload of one still/screenshot (that best represents the work and may be used for promo / in the exhibition catalogue).

  • A URL link to your (complete) video work on Youtube or Vimeo (unlisted) for judging.

Instructions for uploading videos to YouTube/Vimeo

If you do not have an account already, you can create one on Youtube or Vimeo


  1. Log in to your YouTube account.

  2. Click on the video icon at the top right hand side of the window, which can be found next to your user icon, messages, apps, and notifications.

  3. Click ‘Upload Video.’

  4. Then, press ‘select files to upload’ to find the video file saved on your computer. Or, you can drag and drop it into the window.

  5. To make the video unlisted, open the video you have just uploaded and click the blue ‘Edit’ Button. Under ‘visibility’, select unlisted and click save.

  6. Open the video again and copy the URL link in web address at the top of the browser and copy into the appropriate field in the Kiingi Tuheitia Portraiture Award entry form.


  1. Log in to your Vimeo account

  2. Click on the New Video icon at the top right hand side of the window, which can be found next to your user and notifications icon.

  3. Press ‘select files to upload’ to find the video file saved on your computer. Or, you can drag and drop it into the window.

  4. Once you select a file, Vimeo will automatically upload you video and save it to your channel. While the video is uploading you can make your video unlisted under the Privacy section by selecting ‘Only people with the private link’

  5. Copy the URL web address of the video into the appropriate field in the Kiingi Tuheitia Portraiture Award entry form.

Please contact us if you require further assistance.

Te tukuhanga o ngaa koonae hangarau hei whakawaa

Ko ngaa mahi whakawaa tuatahi o Te Tohu Kiriaro o Kiingi Tuheitia kei too tukuhanga hangarau e aapiti ana ki too pepa whakauru. Kei raro nei ngaa tohutohu moo taau e tuku mai an, kei te aahua o taau mahi.

He peita, he pakoko, he toi tuu kau raanei

Me taapae ipurangi teetehi whakaahua o taau mahi (kei te momo jpg). Me matua whakatau i te kounga hei whakawaa. Me iti iho i te 10MB te rahi.

Ngaa mahi kiriata

Me matua tuku mai:

  • he taapae ipurangi o teetehi whakaahua/mata aahua (e whakaatu ana i te pai o te mahi hei mahinga whakatairanga / ki te pukapuka o te whakaaturanga raanei)

  • he hononga URL ki taau mahi (te mea kua oti) i te Youtube, i te Vimeo raanei (kaaore anoo kia raarangi) hei whakawaa.

Ngaa tohutohu taapae kiriata maa te Youtube me te Vimeo

Ki te kore ngo tatauranga, e taea e koe maa te Youtube, maa te Vimeo raanei


  1. Hono atu ki too tatauranga YouTube

  2. Tohua te tohu kiriata kei te kokonga katau o runga o te mata, kei te taha o te tohu kaiwhakamahi, ngaa karere, ngaa taupaanga me ngaa paarongo

  3. Tohua te ‘taapae kiriata’

  4. Kaatahi ka tohua te ‘whiria te koonae hei taapae’ kia kitea te koonae kiriata kua tiakina ki too rorohiko. Ka taea raanei te too whakauu ki taua matapihi.

  5. Kia raarangi kore te kiriata, huakina te kiriata kua taapaengia e koe ka tohu i te tohu kikorangi ‘Whakatika’. Kei te waahanga ‘kitea’, tohua te raarangi kore ka tiakina.

  6. Huakina anoo te kiriata, tuaruatia te hononga URL ki te kaainga o te pae tukutuku kei runga o te mata, kaatahi ka taapaetia ki te whiira tika o te pepa whakauru moo Te Tohu Kiriaro o Kiingi Tuheitia


  1. Kuhuna too tatauranga Vimeo

  2. Tohua te tohu Kiriata Hou kei te kokonga katau runga o te matapihi, kei te taha mai o ngaa tohu kaiwhakamahi me te tohu paarongo

  3. Tohua te ‘Whiria ngaa koonae hei taapae’ kia kitea te kiriata i tiakina ki too rorohiko. Kataea raanei te too whakauu ki te matapihi.

  4. Whiria he koonae. Ka matika a Vimeo ki te tiaki i too koonae, aa, ka tiakina ki too hoongere. I a te kiriata e taapae ana, ka taea e koe te mea raarangi kore o too kiriata i te waahanga Tiaki maa te tohu ‘Ko ngaa taangata raahui ki teenei koonae anake’

  5. Tuaruatia te URL pae tukutuku o te kiriata ki te whiira tika i roto i te pepa whakauru moo Te Tohu Kiriaro o Kiingi Tuheitia

Mehemea he aawhina anoo, whakapaa mai.