We wouldn’t exist without the help of these amazing organisations and individuals.


We are grateful to the following sponsors who have supported the Gallery during 2023 and 2024.


We are grateful to all who support the gallery with a donation, and we are honoured to acknowledge our circle supporters. the circle names and levels were updated in 2024.


Principal Partners

Aileen Drewitt Charitable Trust
Te Maika Trust
The Oroya and Melvin Day Trust
Friends of the New Zealand Portrait Gallery

Major Partners

Chris and Kathy Parkin
Deane Endowment Trust
Donny Charitable Trust

Supporting Partners

Guild Holdings Limited

Programme Partners

Darvill Mellors
Harcourts Holmwood
{Suite} Gallery
Thomas Dewar Sziranyi Letts

Arts Partners

We thank our peer organisations who support us by sharing equipment and knowledge.

Alexander Turnbull Library
City Gallery Wellington Te Whare Toi
Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa
Pātaka Art + Museum
Te Pātaka Toi Adam Art Gallery
The Dowse Art Museum



Masters Circle

Anonymous (2)
Denise Almao
Suzanne Blumhardt
Dr Alan Bollard and Jenny Morel
Kate Fortune
Mary Annette Hay
John McKinnon
Dr Keith Ovenden
Estate of John Sladden
Elizabeth Stringer and Rob Morrison
Janet Waite

Canvas Circle

Anonymous (2)
Richard Blundell
Rosemary Bradford
Jonothan and Tricia Briscoe
Barbara and Don Crump
Tony and Diana Doogue
Robin Dossor
Victoria Elias
Elizabeth Ellis
Beverley Eriksen
Roy and Dawn Ferguson
Hugh Fletcher and Dame Sian Elias
Hon Laurie Grieg
Mark Reese and Joanne Hansen
Jane and Andrew Hyder
Jane and Denis Kirkcaldie
Ann Mallinson
Diane Morcom
Gwynn Narraway
Robin Ormerod
Anna Peacock
Neil Plimmer
Peter Scholes
David Shand
Anna Shires
Marie and Gordon Shroff
Diana Duff Staniland
Barbara Strathdee
Henry Stubbs
Judith Trotter
Glenda West
Dr Bridget Williams
Loretta and William Wong
Kirsty Wood
Jane Wright
Councillor Nicola Young

Graphite Circle

Sarah Acland
Warren and Helen Allen
Kristin and Tony Arthur
Sheryl and Paul Baines
Jo Beetham
Jocelyn Brandon
Jennifer Button
Jenny Buxton
Yvonne and Peter Cottier
Brian and Linda Dawkins
Susie des Tombe
Peter Fabian
Keith and Helen Ferguson
Jonathan Gooderham
Alison Grant
James and Alison Kember
Jocelyn Afford and Stephen Kós
Brenda Boughen and Peter Leslie
Maurice and Lynne Manttan
Helen Miller
Keith Moretta
Jill and Tony Robinson
Suzanne Snively and Ian Fraser
Frances Stanton
Rev Dr Terry Wall
Elizabeth and Malcolm Whyte
John and Carla Wild


Platinum Circle

Denise Almao
Suzanne Blumhardt and Peter Hatfield
Kate Fortune
Brian and Sally Hasell
Estate of Mary Annette Hay
John McKinnon
Estate of Keith Ovenden

Gold Circle

Anonymous (1)
Alan Bollard and Jenny Morel
Liz Stringer and Rob Morrison

Silver Circle

Anonymous (1)
Beverley Eriksen
Roy and Dawn Ferguson
Dilys Grant and Annabel McCallum
Jane and Denis Kirkcaldie
Diane Morcom
Peter Scholes
Gordon and Marie Shroff
U3A Wellington
Elizabeth Whyte
Shona Willis
Loretta and William Wong

Bronze Circle

Deanna and Jim Dehlsen
Tony and Diana Doogue
Robin Dossor
Val Fergusson
Hugh Fletcher
James and Alison Kember
Elizabeth Lind
Mark Reese and Joanne Hansen
Anna Shires
Sisters of Mercy
Judith Trotter

Copper Circle

Sarah Acland
Helen and Warren Allen
Kristin Arthur
Elizabeth Barbalich
Di Berry
Joy Bourke
Bettina Bradbury
Rosemary and Max Bradford
Jocelyn Brandon
Jennifer Button
Jenny Buxton
Yvonne and Peter Cottier
Donald and Barbara Crump
Brian and Linda Dawkins
Victoria Elias
Elizabeth Ellis
Keith and Helen Ferguson
Alison Grant
Janet Grieve
Kāpiti U3A
Helen Kedgley
Stephen Kós and Jocelyn Afford
Rob and Colleen Laking
Nancy McMillan
Helen Miller
Heather Ann Moodie
Keith Moretta
Simon and Pip Murdoch
Thera Nelson
Jane Perry
Ruth and Julian Proctor
Paul Ridley-Smith and Felicity Wong
Sarah Romans
David Shand
Suzanne Snively and Ian Fraser
Henry Stubbs
Odette and John Tait
Carla and John Wild