We are back !
We would like to invite you in to the Gallery or online to attend Saturday Sittings, our monthly free portraiture drawing session.
This will run as they did in the past for those who can intend in the Gallery, but for those attending via zoom, instead of still photographs we are going to try filming the model live.
We will include a mix of timed short and long poses for you to draw. All you need is paper and drawing materials, and a computer or smartphone to join from.
If you crave some structure to get your drawing practice to flow or if you just want something to do while stuck at home, then this is for you. At the end, everyone will have the opportunity to show their favorite drawing of the session.
For those attending the Saturday Sitting in the Gallery, please arrive 15 minutes early to set yourself up, as the session will begin bang on 1:00pm.
This is a free event. Please book your place via the button below.
For those attending via Zoom, no need to RSVP; Just click into the link below to join.
Feel free to share the invitation with your friends and whānau; and we hope to see you all there!