Waiata for NZPG Staff
Tai Aroha
Ko te aroha anō he wai
E pupū ake ana
He awa e māpuna mai ana
I roto i te whatu-manawa (x2)
Ko tōna mātāpuna he hōhonu
Ā inā ia ka rere anō (x2)
He tai timu
He tai pari
He tai ope
He tai roa
He tai nui
Love is like water
continually bubbling up
a spring that will keep flowing
from within your soul.
Its source is deep within
it has a soothing effect
an ebb tide
an incoming tide
a forceful tide
a long-lasting tide
a full tide.
Te Aroha
Te Aroha
Te whakapono
Me rangimarie
Tatou tatou e
Be amongst us all!
E hara i te mea
Ehara i te mea
No naianei te aroha
No nga tupuna
tuku iho, tuku iho
Te whenua, te whenua
Te oranga o te iwi
No nga tupuna
Tuku iho, tuku iho
Whakapono, tumanako
Te aroha o te iwi
No nga tupuna
Tuku iho, tuku iho
Love is not
A thing of modern times
It comes from the ancestors
Passed down through time
The land, the land
Is the source of life for the people
It comes from the ancestors
Passed down through time
Faith and hope
Is the source of life for the people
It comes from the ancestors
Passed down through time
This is not the official and full version of the waiata we sing, but it is a good example of the tune itself. There is sadly not a recording of our version available online.
Tūtira mai ngā iwi
Tūtira mai ngā iwi,
tātou tātou e
Tūtira mai ngā iwi,
tātou tātou e
Whai-a te marama-tanga,
me te aroha - e ngā iwi!
Ki-a tapa tahi,
Ki-a ko-tahi rā
Tātou tātou e
Tā-tou tā-tou e E!!
Hi aue hei !!!
Line up together people
All of us, all of us
Stand in rows people
All of us, all of us
Seek after knowledge
and love of others - everyone
Think as one
Act as one
All of us, all of us
All of us, All of us!!
Hi aue hei !!!
Create and Learn your Mihi
A mihi (or mihimihi) is an introduction which can take place at the beginning of a gathering or meeting. It is used to establish links with other people present and let people know who you are, and where you come from. Being able to introduce yourself in te reo Māori is a helpful tool that we can all use in our everyday lives.
Create and Learn your Pepeha
Pepeha is a way of introducing yourself in Māori. It tells people who you are by sharing your connections with the people and places that are important to you. A pepeha is typically more development in content than your mihi.